Personal Injuries on Campus

College is a time for students to focus their studies, spread their wings a bit, and make memories with friends. Campus can feel like a safe bubble from the “real world,” but the reality is that hazards still exist in this environment. Here are a few examples of common incidents leading to personal injuries on […]

Personal Injuries at the Gym

Winter is the perfect time for many individuals to begin or recommit to a physical fitness routine. Regular exercise can help combat the winter blues while boosting overall health and happiness. But too much too soon can lead to serious consequences. From pulling a muscle to spraining an ankle during an overenthusiastic dance move, sports […]

Caring for Health Care Workers

Health care workers work daily to help people heal after illnesses and injuries and to keep them healthy with preventative care. But who takes care of the health care workers? The health care worker industry has some of the highest work injury and illness rates in the United States. Health care workers face a number […]