Crowded stores, additional traffic, parking lot incidents, and other hazards can make holiday shopping even more hectic. The holiday season is typically a busy time for retail stores, so it’s not surprising that accidents increase along with sales. QBE North America shared claims data for accident years 2019-2022, highlighting the top three causes of insured […]
Winter Slip-and-Fall Accidents: How to Stay Safe in Icy Conditions
There are approximately 3 million emergency department visits in the United States each year among older adults who have fallen, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One in four older adults experience a fall each year, and falls are the top cause of injury-related deaths among older adults. Although older adult […]
Talk About Your Medicines in October
October is Talk About Your Medicines Month. It’s an important reminder to talk to your medical providers about any medication you take and to check in regarding dosages, instructions, and anything else you might need to consider. Always Ask Questions Have you been prescribed a medication and later realized you’re not sure about possible side […]
Farm Safety: Prevent Skid Steer Loader Incidents
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the agricultural sector is still the most dangerous in America. The fall harvest season can be one of the busiest and most risky times of the year for farmers. The third week of September is National Farm and Safety Week to help raise awareness for farm safety […]
Back to School Safety: Be Alert!
The school year is in full swing. Staying alert is important for pedestrians and drivers to keep children safe. New data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that 104 people died in crashes related to school transportation in 2022. More than 1,000 died from 2013-2022, and 198 of those individuals were children […]