In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “I request that during that month (March) our people rededicate themselves to the splendid aims and activities of the Red Cross.” Since then, the Red Cross has helped millions of Americans in times of need. While the organization is probably best known for collecting blood donations, a number […]
Stay Out of Hot Water!
Very hot water can cause scalds and burns. Most injuries and fatalities related to tap water scalds involve children under the age of five and senior citizens. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends lowering water heaters to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Lowering the water temperature prevents accidents, reduces energy usage, and saves money. Being […]
Is Your Infant Sleeping Safely?
If you’re a new parent or grandparent, you’re no stranger to exhaustion. The moments when the infant in your life is napping or sleeping soundly are more relaxed may seem like times when you can let your guard down a bit, but they can actually be incredibly dangerous if your baby’s sleeping environment is unsafe. […]
Don’t Multitask and Drive!
Did you know that in the average time it takes to respond to a text while driving (5 seconds) while traveling at 55 miles per hour, you have traveled approximately the length of a football field without seeing the road? What would happen if a deer crossed your path during that time? Or worse yet, […]
Zika Virus and You
You’ve been hearing about the Zika virus may cause severe birth defects if pregnant women receive exposure, but you may not know that this virus also holds risks for older adults. The Zika virus is spread by mosquitos. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most individuals who are infected with […]