Are you hosting visitors with young children this holiday season? Here are some tips to help you make sure your home is prepared! Child Safety at Home Before hosting your young visitors, make sure all medications and household cleaners are stored out of sight, out of reach, and in child-resistant containers. This includes your purse […]
Prevent Battery-Related Injuries in Children
A recent study reports that pediatric battery-related emergency department visits have increased in the past decade. Data from 2010-2019 showed that the frequency of such visits has more than doubled since a previous study that looked at data from 1990-2009. In the United States, a child under the age of 18 visits an emergency department […]
Smoke Alarms Save Lives
Between 2014-2018, almost three out of every five home fire deaths occurred in properties with no smoke alarms (41%) or smoke alarms that failed to operate (16%), according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Having a working smoke alarm results in a 55% lower risk of dying compared to being in a home with […]
Call 811 Before Digging to Prevent Injuries and Outages
As the weather gets warmer, you’re probably planning outdoor projects and thinking about updating the landscaping. April is National Safe Digging Month for a reason! It’s a great reminder to call 811 before starting any digging project. Why You Need to Get Underground Utility Lines Marked Underground utility lines are damaged approximately every six minutes. […]
Spring Cleaning: Don’t Forget About Poison Prevention
National Poison Prevention Week takes place during the third full week of March each year. As you prepare for spring cleaning and working in the yard, keep these poison prevention tips in mind. Household Cleaners Store household cleaners and chemicals out of reach of children and pets and away from food items. Make sure to […]