Fire Safety: Is it Time to Replace Your Smoke Alarms?

Three out of five home fire fatalities occur due to fires in homes that do not have smoke detectors or do not have working smoke alarms. Due to the importance of smoke alarms, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) chose “Don’t Wait — Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years” as the theme […]

Fire and Burn Injuries

Approximately 450,000 individuals in the United States required medical treatment for burn injuries in 2013, according to information published by the American Burn Association. Fire and burn injuries are very painful and may leave the burn victim scarred and disfigured for life. Fire and burn injuries have a number of causes, such as: Cooking accidents […]

Are Hoverboards Safe?

Hoverboards were a popular gift item this season, but how safe are they? Some consumers have reported their hoverboards catching fire while charging or while in use. There is also a significant risk for falling. Emergency rooms have seen serious injuries such as fractures, concussions, and internal organ damage due to hoverboard falls. What is […]