Summer is a great time to relax, but it’s important to remember that water safety is critical. Taking proactive safety measures can help everyone stay safer around water. Last year, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released a report that found that drownings and drowning injuries remain high for children under age 15. The […]
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
Millions of Americans ride motorcycles. Unfortunately, they tend to be overrepresented in fatal traffic crashes. 15% of all traffic fatalities in 2022 were motorcyclists. Even worse, this number is on the rise—the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that it’s the highest number of motorcyclists killed since 1975 or before. What can be done […]
Bike Safety Tips and Reminders for Cyclists
In 2021, 966 cyclists were killed in traffic crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA). The National Safety Council reports that there were 102 fatalities and approximately 136,753 emergency room visits due to bicycling injuries for children up to age 19 in 2020. When a vehicle and bike are in a […]
Work Zone Fatalities Have Increased 63% Since 2010
When an individual is hit by a car, chances of survival vary depending on the speed of the vehicle. At 20 mph, the person has a 90% chance of surviving, but at 30 mph, that chance drops to 60%. At 40 mph, it’s only 20%. The National Safety Council analyzed National Highway Traffic and Safety […]
Narcotics and Water Beads Top Pediatric Poisoning Safety Concerns
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently released a report on unintentional pediatric poisonings. It highlights an increase in unintentional poisoning from narcotics, over-the-counter medications, and water beads. Unintentional Pediatric Poisonings The report found that 98 children under the age of five died from poisonings in 2022. That’s a 66% increase from the previous […]