Workplace fatalities have reached the highest levels since 2007. The National Safety Council is working to change that.
The goal? Zero work-related deaths in the United States.
Work-Related Injuries
Although workplace safety has come a long way, there is still work to be done to keep employees safe on the job.
The number of preventable work deaths increased to 4,572 in 2019. In addition, there were more than 4.64 million work-related injuries requiring medical care in that same year. Thousands of families and workplaces are impacted by these tragedies and injuries.
Work to Zero Initiative
The National Safety Council thinks that technology can be a big part of the solution. The Work to Zero initiative brings together safety leaders, research, and technology to help dismantle one of the biggest hurdles employers face when it comes to adopting workplace safety technologies: the knowledge of what technology currently exists.
Work to Zero created a website that provides education about the top dangerous situations where workers are most likely to die (non-roadway) and developed a tool that identifies relevant information for specific situations. It also features helpful discussions of safety technologies such as heat stress wearables, downed worker devices, robots, video behavior analytics, and much more.
If you or a loved one has been injured in work-related incident, contact the Schuerman Law office today. Schuerman Law has been working with personal injury claims for over 40 years. John Schuerman will compassionately advocate for injured individuals as well as their families while fighting for full compensation of their claims. Schuerman Law offers evening and weekend appointments in addition to home and hospital visits. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 1-800-274-0045.