Magnets Pose Risks for Children and Teens

High-powered magnets are a safety risk for children. These aren’t the kind you’ll find on your refrigerator; they’re up to eight times stronger than magnets used in toys.

Injuries due to ingestion and inhalation of magnets have increased. These injuries are serious and sometimes fatal. When two or more magnets are swallowed, they attract each other in the body. Not only that, but they will also interact with other metallic objects and become lodged in the digestive system. This can cause perforations, twisting/blockage of the intestines, blood poisoning, infection, and death. These incidents often require surgeries to remove the magnets, which can also require repairing the child’s damaged stomach and intestines.

What to Do if You Suspect Magnets Have Been Swallowed

If you think your child might have swallowed magnets, seek immediate medical attention. Look out for symptoms like abdominal pains, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

In x-ray, multiple magnetic pieces may look like a single object since they are attracted to each other.

Magnet Safety Tips

Infants and small children often put things in their mouths, but teens are also susceptible to magnet injuries. For example, they may play with magnets to mimic mouth piercings and accidentally swallow them. Make sure your children understand the hazards of ingesting magnets and to never put magnets near their noses or mouths.

Remove magnet sets, small magnets, and small pieces that contain magnets from your home if you think your children might mistakenly or intentionally swallow them. Look out for loose magnetic pieces. Regularly check your children’s toys and play areas for missing or dislodged magnets.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issues a Notice of Violation when it determines a company has violated a mandatory standard, such as the magnet standard. You can see which companies received these violations for marketing their products to children in violation of federal safety standards for toys.

If you or a loved one has been injured, contact the Schuerman Law office today. Schuerman Law has been working with personal injury claims for over 40 years. John Schuerman will compassionately advocate for injured individuals as well as their families while fighting for full compensation of their claims. Schuerman Law offers evening and weekend appointments in addition to home and hospital visits. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 1-800-274-0045.