Farm Safety Yields Real Results

National Farm Safety and Health Week 2021, hosted by the National Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), takes place from September 19th-25th with the theme “Farm Safety Yields Real Results.” Safety Resources for Farmers This year’s event includes educational webinars and other resources on the following topics: Tractor Safety Rural Roadway Safety Overall Farmer Health Safety […]

Brake Safety for Commercial Motor Vehicles

Brake Safety Week is scheduled for August 22-28, 2021. This event brings awareness to the importance of properly maintaining brake systems. During the 2020 event, 12% of the commercial motor vehicles inspected were removed from service for brake-related violations. Focus on Brake Safety Throughout this week, commercial motor vehicle inspectors conduct North American Standard Inspections […]

COVID-19 Back to School Safety Tips

It’s back-to-school season and coronavirus cases are on the rise throughout the United States. What should parents, teachers, and caregivers know about how to help children safely attend school? In-Person Learning is Recommended The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all COVID-19 school plans should begin with the goal of offering safe in-person learning. […]