Winter Driving Safety: Avoid Accidents in Snowy and Icy Conditions

Winter weather such as snow and sleet can create hazardous driving conditions. Minimize your risk of winter car accidents by being prepared and cautious. When possible, avoid driving when road conditions are slippery. Use these tips to stay safe while driving this winter. Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter Weather If you’re driving in snowy or […]

Holiday Shopping Safety: Avoiding Accidents in Crowded Stores and Parking Lots

Crowded stores, additional traffic, parking lot incidents, and other hazards can make holiday shopping even more hectic. The holiday season is typically a busy time for retail stores, so it’s not surprising that accidents increase along with sales. QBE North America shared claims data for accident years 2019-2022, highlighting the top three causes of insured […]

Winter Slip-and-Fall Accidents: How to Stay Safe in Icy Conditions

There are approximately 3 million emergency department visits in the United States each year among older adults who have fallen, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One in four older adults experience a fall each year, and falls are the top cause of injury-related deaths among older adults. Although older adult […]

Air Bag Safety: How to Stay Protected on the Road

You might not think of air bags very often, but they’ve saved more than 50,000 lives since 1987, according to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA). While air bags can prevent serious injuries, they are designed to work in addition to seat belts, not to replace them. Air bags have been making the […]