Large Truck Accidents

Many products are transported through the state of Indiana on the way to their final destinations. It’s common to see semis and other large trucks carrying cargo. Large trucks carrying heavy loads cannot stop as quickly or easily as your automobile. You’ve probably witnessed a semi trying to stop unexpectedly or seen the tar marks […]

Personal Injury 101: What Are You Entitled To?

Have you or someone you love been injured? If so, it’s important to understand how to navigate the process of recovering damages. You are entitled to recover any and all damages caused by another party’s negligence or carelessness. Regardless of whether you were injured in a trucking accident, while at work, or while shopping for […]

NHTSA Reports Increase in Traffic Deaths

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released the latest evaluation of traffic deaths for 2015. The numbers show that there is still a lot of work to be done to decrease automobile accident and traffic deaths in the United States. The NHTSA’s numbers show that an estimated 26,000 individuals were killed in traffic crashes […]

Stay Safe at Railroad Crossings

According to the Federal Railroad Administration, Indiana is ranked in the top 15 states for rail crossing deaths. While trains are no longer one of our primary means of transportation, they are still used for transporting people and goods throughout the state and the country. Areas where trains cross roads are at high risk for […]