The Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) held their 50th Annual Institute in Indianapolis on November 6th and 7th, 2014. This annual event provides two days of exceptional continuing legal education to attorneys in the state of Indiana, keeping them informed of important changes in Indiana Law. This year’s program featured nationally recognized speakers on a […]
Auto Accidents in Indiana
Driving is a necessity for most people. Many of us find ourselves behind the wheel almost every day. Unfortunately, the road isn’t always the safest place to be. In 2012, 188,841 traffics collisions that resulted in injuries or property damage occurred in the state of Indiana. The truth is, even if you are a perfect […]
Indiana Hunting Safety
Hunting is a popular sport in Indiana. It’s very safe when proper hunting safety instructions are followed, and with deer season in full swing, it’s a great time to review the basics. Hunting accidents are rare—according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, there was a percentage of 0.05% of hunting accidents per 100, ranking hunting […]
Trick or Treat Safety for Kids
Kids love Halloween. But with all of the fun of this time of year, there are several safety issues to consider. Costumes: Choose light-colored or reflective costumes for easy visibility in the dark. Only purchase or create costumes with flame-retardant materials. Be sure wigs don’t cover eyes, noses, or mouths. Rather than purchasing a mask […]
Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents With These Tips
Falls account for nearly 8.9 million visits to the emergency room each year, according to the National Safety Council. As winter approaches, the risk for slip and fall accidents increases thanks to adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, and ice. Prevent slip and fall accidents in your home with these tips: Use non-skid mats […]