Common Causes of Workplace Injuries

Injuries in the workplace occur all too frequently in the United States. Sprains, strains, tears, and back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries. Common Workplace Injuries Most workplace injuries are covered by the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. According to insurance claims throughout the United States, these are the ten most common workplace injuries: […]

116th Annual Versailles Pumpkin Show

The town of Versailles is gearing up for the 116th Annual Pumpkin Show. The yearly festivities are a reminder to enjoy the bounty that Ripley County has to offer as summer fades into fall. From award-winning giant pumpkins to an assortment of baked goods in the annual recipe contest, attendees will find ways to celebrate […]

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently launched the annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign in partnership with over 10,000 law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. Labor Day is a high risk period for drunk driving. According to the NHTSA, during the weeks surrounding Labor Day in 2013 half of all of […]