If you or a loved one has suffered from a personal injury, you may find yourself receiving a settlement offer from the insurance company. This often happens when the insurer agrees that their customer was at fault for an accident and injuries that occurred because of that accident. It can be tempting to just accept […]
Large Truck Accidents
Many products are transported through the state of Indiana on the way to their final destinations. It’s common to see semis and other large trucks carrying cargo. Large trucks carrying heavy loads cannot stop as quickly or easily as your automobile. You’ve probably witnessed a semi trying to stop unexpectedly or seen the tar marks […]
Personal Injuries on Campus
College is a time for students to focus their studies, spread their wings a bit, and make memories with friends. Campus can feel like a safe bubble from the “real world,” but the reality is that hazards still exist in this environment. Here are a few examples of common incidents leading to personal injuries on […]
Pokemon Go Craze Leads to Injuries
You’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the mobile application that is breaking download records. Players try to catch creatures (known as “Pokemonsters”) in this augmented reality game, which gets people outside to play the game in the physical world. Sounds great, right? After all, people are moving more and checking out local landmarks. Well, the […]
Safe Sleep 101
A safe crib is the best place for a baby to sleep. The United States Product Safety Commission has recalled nearly 7 million cribs since 2007. Many of those cribs have drop-sides that allow parents and caregivers to easily access the inside of the crib. The issue is that these moveable parts are prone to […]