When’s the last time you really looked at your vehicle’s tires? Keeping your tires in good condition can prevent automobile accidents, provide better fuel economy, improve handling of your vehicle, and more. Tire Safety Tips Check your tire pressure at least once a month. Be sure to also check the spare—in the event of a […]
Avoid Wi-Fi Data Breaches While Traveling
How safe is your personal information when you access Wi-Fi while traveling? Public Wi-Fi is widely available and convenient, but it’s important to protect your security when using it. A public Wi-Fi hotspot is a network that is set up to allow shared access to the internet. If the hotspot doesn’t require a password, it […]
Winter Driving Tips
Cold weather presents new challenges for drivers in southeastern Indiana. Constant temperature changes result in freezing and thawing, which is a recipe for icy roads when combined with any form of precipitation. This is likely a contributing factor to the increased number of occurrences of automobile accidents in winter months. Winter driving conditions are often […]
Winter Vehicle Safety Checklist
You rely on your vehicle to get you here, there, and everywhere safely, but when’s the last time you really took the time to take care of the little details? Things like windshield washer fluid can seem unimportant until you find your visibility challenged by the buildup of dirt and snow on your window while […]
Ladder Safety
From hanging holiday lights to snow removal, there are several reasons that you may find yourself on a ladder this winter. But did you know that there are more than 164,000 emergency room visits associated with ladder falls each year? Check out these tips to help you stay safe on ladders. Check Your Equipment Is […]