Raising Awareness: National Stop on Red Week

National Stop on Red Week takes place in August each year. The campaign raises awareness of the dangers of running red lights.

National Stop on Red Week is a reminder that road safety is a shared responsibility. Always stop on red. It’s the law and it saves lives. Saving a few seconds at a light isn’t worth the risk of a crash.

Running Red Lights Causes Injuries

Verra Mobility’s proprietary data found more than 4.6 million red light violations in 2023. Vehicles running red lights resulted in 1,149 deaths and more than 107,000 injuries in 2022. Half of the victims killed were pedestrians, cyclists, and people in other vehicles who were hit by the red light runners.

Front-into-side collisions are the crash type most commonly associated with running red lights. Right-angle injury crashes and rear-end crashes are also common.

Discouraging Red Light Running

Red light safety cameras are one effective method of discouraging drivers from running red lights. An IIHS study found that red light safety camera reduced the fatal red light running crash in large cities by 21%.

Increase yellow light signal time can also help prevent red light running. Combining the longer yellow signal with camera enforcement can be very effective.

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